Comments Posted By Texas RN
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In your assessment there is one other component you need to consider: nurses and unions.

The unions have tried forever to get control of the nurses. The union bosses know nurses are the majority workforce, yet nurses are less than a tenth of the membership of the largest healthcare union. With the exception of California, nursing staff everywhere have overwhelmingly rejected unions.

However, there is a new tool about to be added to the arsenal of the union goons. A new way to intimidate nurses… The Orwellianly named "Employee Free Choice Act". Once the unions can further intimidate the nurses by stripping them of their American right to a secret ballot I fear that enough will crumple and vote "yes" in a card check program. Now try to imagine your health care employees being managed by the UAW or another union of their ilk.

Control the nurses you and control the whole healthcare system. And once the unions can suckle at the endless teat of the government sponsored national healthcare system they will drain our treasury dry. Your healthcare will be de facto controlled by the spawn of the incestuous relationship of the unions and the democrats. Conservatism will take a long time to triumph over that animal.

Comment Posted By Texas RN On 22.11.2008 @ 21:17

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